I just happen to like three
things a lot...Angels, Dragons, and anything Celtic. I saw the "Book of
Kells" at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland about 4 years ago. I fell in
love with the elaborate artwork that I
saw. This book is 800 years old and looking pretty good for its age....(
don't we all wish we could say that...;) ) Anyway....since I have been in
the UK and Ireland I have found that I very much
love Celtic Music ( so relaxing), the dancing, the lores and the artwork
that comes from there. I have painted
lace bobbins and tatting shuttles ( which sold like hot cakes when put on
ebay) with
of my interpretations of the celtic artwork.
The name Kelly is for the "Book of Kells"
which is where I get my ideas from.
One day I drew a picture of a Celtic
Dragon, seen here. From there I needed it colored...hence Mark aka tatman
colored it or me for I am so green with a computer. I thank you Mark for
taking the time to do that for me...This you can see in this picture here.
Then I decided one day...you know you have always wanted a tattoo...so
yup, you guess it...I went totally nuts in the head and decided that I
would personally wear some of my artwork...shown here. It took 3 hours to
have this put on me...and the word PAIN comes to mind...not too sure if I
will ever
another one.
I wanted to design something myself in
tatting and I looked at my picture of my colored dragon and I decided to
give it a try...The finished tatted lace piece is shown on my Homepage.
Please let me know what you all out there think of it....
Sherry aka Celtic Dream
celticdreamweave@yahoo.com |