This is the amusement doily which I
think is still available on the internet somewhere. Sorry I don't
have the URL address where you can go to get the pattern yourself. I
made this using fine quilting thread. |
This a picture I have hanging above my
computer desk. It is one of the first things I look at in the
morning. As you can see there is some tatting and bobbin lace both
in the picture frame. Some of the things in the picture I tatted and
some of the things are my treasures from my friends. |
Here is Mark Myer's 3D angel Hilda that
I revamped. So now I call her Hilda Revamped. I tatted an extra
round to the bottom of her dress to make it longer. I took a
woodened bead that I painted for her head. I decided to get a
picture of her in my trumpet vine that I have in my yard. Someone
commented to me that instead of an angel she now looks like a
fairy.... |
Above is a flower bouquet that I put
together. The one purple, white and the burgundy rose is a pattern
of Mark Myers. The one bobbin lace rose is a Celtic pattern of Ann
Keller's of Ireland. |
This is internet RR doily that I did. I
believe Georgia Steitz and Rose were part of the RR. I made this in
some dyed thread that I had a skein of. I had just enough to finish
the doily. I had to finger tat the very last part of it. |
This is my finished bag I did from a
class I took in Columbia, S.C. at the Palmetto Tat Day. The teacher
for the class was Karen Bovard who rode her motorcycle from Nebraska
to Columbia, SC. and home. I am glad she made it home safely. I
haven't added a chain to it yet for I can't decide if i want to make
this part of a chatelaine yet or if I want to make it into a amulet
bag...hmmm decisions...decisions.... |
Above here is the Daisy Picot tatting
technique necklace and earrings set that I made. Mark had been going
around teaching this technique. I proofed one of his patterns for
this technique but changed it a bit and made it my way. I am very
happy with it. |
This is a hankie bag that I made that
has different tatted motifs on it that I did. Some of the flower
motifs used Daisy Picot Ring tatting technique and some with
inverted tatting technique. This picture shows the silk draw string
pulled up tight. |

This picture shows the bag laid out flat. |
is some of the people from E-tatters that were at the Palmetto's
Tattering Day Event. If you want to you should be able to steal this
picture and print it off fine and dandy. :) |
This an amulet bag that I tatted up
using silk thread and beads. I want to thank Ginny Weathers from
Auburn, N.Y. very much for buying me the thread and beads to make
this bag. I just love it. |
This is a purple shuttle pocket bag that
I got from Deb who lives in Colorado and who I saw in South Carolina
last year and this year selling her wares. I made this edging for
the bag. At the end of the of the chains I put lobster claw jewelry
fasteners which I can adjust to any size. Here you can see it
doubled up to make two straps. Or I can undo the lobster claws on
both ends and make the chain long enough to wear around my neck. |
is another picture of My Corona that I did. This is a pattern of Ben
Fikkert who lives in the Netherlands. The pattern is from his book
entitled "Floriade" I used hand dyed threads from KelticKrafts
website and white DMC threads. All thread sizes were 30. I entered
this in the competition at the Palmetto Tatting Day Event and got a
blue ribbon for it this year and that being 2004.The size is 27
inches in diameter. |
My angel Angelika was done in size 70-80
size tatting thread. The under dress was done in white velvet with
net material between another later of plain muslin material so the
dress skirt would poof out and look full. Her tatted bottom of her
skirt was done in tatted pineapples motifs connected together with
white with silver metallic thread. Her wings were done with two
pieces of net cut out and then I tatted the edge going around the
outside catching the net and wire at the same time. I made a bouquet
of ribbon flowers from the local Jo Ann Fabrics store. The halo was
done with DMC metallic thread. Her body was porcelain. She kinda
looks Christmasy doesn't she? |
I have had Pam Palmer's
tatted dragon pattern for years. I kept saying someday I am going to
make this. Mainly because I like dragons. So I finally did. As you
can see I made some changes to the pattern. I wanted a solid piece
with no gaping holes in it so I filled all the spaces in. I also
wanted the spikes to run continuously along the back. I used Perfect
Quilter's thread and Oliver Twist thread and some tatting thread.
I also did not want my flames coming
from the dragon to be separate from the rest of the dragon so I
changed that too and attached the flames to the dragon's mouth. I
also changed the eye. I wanted the eye to stand out more so I used a
sequin and tatted around it and attached it after it was done to the
main dragon. So....there is the story of my interpretation of Pam's
dragon. Sometime if Pam ever sees this dragon I would enjoy reading
her response to what I did differently to mine compared to hers. |
is a doily I did called Monique. I used size 50 thread to make it
with petite beads. This doily later then became my hat. Which is
also shown here. I came up with a pattern for the lining of my
hat...sewed it together and had elastic going through the band of my
hat. Today on Jan. 15th is a very cold day the temperature is
zero outside. So today I wore it and though a bit still
kept my head warm. The hat band I did with Celtic tatting. |
This is a pineapple
doily that was designed by Camelia Crapo and I found it in "Tatting
With Friends" book edited by Georgia Steiz. I did mine in variegated
and white thread using size 20 thread. The variegated thread I got
from Keltic Krafts. If you do a search on the net I believe you will
find her site that shows all the over-dye she has. Lots of nice
colors. Please make sure you click on the picture which will give
you a bigger picture to look at. Camelia...I hope you see what I did
with your pattern and contact me with your comments. |
making the centerpiece Martinique I made just a few too many motifs
for it. So here is what I did with one of them. I made a flower.
Don't know yet what I will do with the rest of them...but something.

Martinique Centerpiece |
Before going to Hector,
NY. I was playing around tatting with wire to get ready for the
workshop there. I decided to try and design something myself in wire
and came up with this flower. |
For My Heart's Desire
This flower
sparkles like there will be no tomorrows. It is made using size
32,34, and 24 gauge wire in gold, copper and silver colors. |
This is a picture I tatted for my son
Shawn's girlfriend for X-mas. Some of the dragonflies are my own
patterns. |
With so much talk lately of Celtic
Tatting I thought I would share with you some of my experimentation
of Celtic Knotwork I have done. |
.If you look at the heart you can see I
added beads to it and the whole outside edge intertwined. |
This tatted bag I made and designed has
a zipper. The beads on it or very small petite beads with some fancy
beads found at a local embroidery store. What do you think of my
handle? One add on here...I got a blue ribbon for this bag at the
Palmetto's Tatting Day Event in Columbia, South Carolina this year
being 2004. |
Here is another bag that I have
designed. This one has a drawstring with ribbon with beads tatted at
the end of the draw string to make something like a tassel. |
The doily you see at the upper Left hand
side is made with yarn in Victorian X-mas colors with gold metallic
filament. Not easy to tat with I must say. The bag that you see is
my first bag that I designed many years ago and was my everyday bag.
I have retired it for I got tired of repairing it. At the bottom
here is some tenerrife that I have done. |
This doily here is the very first
project I tatted after doing my practice strips of making rings. The
pattern is from a Anchor booklet that I bought in Toronto years ago. |

This is a butterfly from an old tatting book

A tatted Rose. I can't imagine where I
got this pattern...hmmmm ;) |

This is Mark Myers' celtic snowflake that I added beads too. I have
started a shawl using this motif and a purse. The purse will have
beads though as you can see here. Thanks Mark for sharing. |

This is my amulet bag. This pattern is from Lily's book. Lily was a
real sweet heart. I had scanned my thread and the type of beads I
was using, antique glass ones. She had mentioned that she had some
celtic jewelry beads and sent them to me. This is a pattern I was
lucky to proof for her. I thank Lily for giving me the opportunity
to proof this for her and the the celtic beads which made this bag
me. |

This is a picture that was taken of me in Ithaca last year. I
decided to put it here for it shows my centerpiece, my tatted purse,
tablecloth and sometimes shawl and my tatted necklace that I won
from ebay last summer. |

When I was in Hector and saw my friend Karey again...this was the
project of the day. It was suppose to be a name tag to
wear...well...I can't leave things alone so it became a sign with my
name on it instead. We were sent pieces of aida cloth which one uses
for cross stitch. Even when I use to do cross stitch I hated that
cloth and if I bought a kit lets say and it had aida cloth in it I
use to throw it read that right ..throw it out and
go to the local store here in Canandaigua, New York and by linen
material. So I painted this. My name believe it or not is tatted as
well as the outside edge with buttons. |

This is my collection of tatted angels that I have so far. I love
angels. Anyhow, The first four angels are from Mark Myers'book as I
am sure most of you recognize. For the last one I can't imagine
where I got the pattern. I think I will keep you all guessing.
Anyhoo..I like the way she turned out and I hope you all do too. :)) |

As I mentioned over the summer I won a ribbon at Ontario County
fair. This is from an old Coats and Clark booklet. The original
pattern called for just white and green thread...imagine that....I
looked at the picture and I said uh, is screaming for color.
Each flower was tatted individually and added together as I went
along with it. I still haven't decided yet what I will do with it. |

This is a tatted baby outfit that I tatted for my one and only
grandchild Timmy Guy ( guy is a nickname for him) and that is him
when he was a baby. Chrystal (his mom) did not know what she was
having so I tatted this with mint green, peach and white tatting
thread. It has white velvet under the tatting and next to the baby
was warm flannel material. |

This past summer I got to demonstrate tatting in front of a fabric
store that is located on Main Street in Canandaigua, N.Y. You can
see my tablecloth/shawl...which means it is now just a tad bit
bigger. Also some of my tatted display. This is also where I now
teach tatting. |