Hi out there in Tattingland and Lacingland,

     As I had mentioned on the tatting list I was going to do a project for Halloween. Rhaianna, my witch came to my mind. First I drew some pattern pieces on paper for her dress. I must say here that when my girls were young I made alot of Barbie and Cabbage Patch clothes for their dolls...Anyhoo.....after I drew out the pattern pieces, I cut them and put them together to see if they world match up. And they pretty much did. At this time I was also experimenting with doing Celtic Knotwork in tatting and decided that I would use some of this knotwork to embellish her dress. The edge at the bottom of her dress and around her hat is an edge I came up with. I used dark gray material so the tatting would stand out sort of. I also used pipe cleaners for her arms so I could position them the way I wanted to...hence here she is waving to all you tatters and  lacers.

   After I did the dress I did her face and hands in papiermache'. This was not an easy thing to do to shape the face the way I wanted it to look. I wanted her to have a big pointy nose and chin. This was a messy ordeal...the glue was sticking to me instead of the paper. Didn't was off so I had to keep peeling the glue off my fingers. UGH!! Big time. She even has two teeth....must be she had wayyy tooo much chocolate huh??!!! LOL!!

   After the face was painted I did her hair with tatting thread that was black, grey and white varigate. Then came the hat. That was done in black velvet and I decided to do the brim in tatting. Again the black with the gold thread was used. The hat was then glued on her hair.

   Lastly was her broom. Not too fancy but hey....it looks like a broom. I finished her on Halloween. I hope you enjoy looking at her..

   The next projects are a couple of angels I am presently working on. Both are 3D and I hope to have them here at my site in time for X-mas. So keep your fingers crossed. ;)) big smile.